We’ve all had our share of hair-related nightmares. Whether it was a bob cut turned into a boy cut, a hair dye disaster, or tangled hair that did knot want to cooperate—we’ve all had some kind of experience with hair problems.
And while it’s natural to want to curl up and never go out of your room when your hair isn’t playing nice, know that there’s light at the end of the tunnel!
This is especially true when you’re dealing with hair damage, split ends, and a frizzy, curly tress- mess! Don’t let hair problems ruin control your life.
Here’s what you can do:
Opt for Fragrance-Free Conditioners
One of the best things about fragrance-free conditioners is that they’re…fragrance-free.
Fragrance is the number one source of frizzy hair. Have you tried spraying your hair with perfume? You’ll notice that the texture will become rough and your hair will start frizzing.
This is because perfumes contain alcohol and so do fragranced conditioners! Alcohol is bad for your hair because of its drying properties.
The result? Dry, itchy scalp with limp and lackluster hair (oh, no!)
Opting for fragrance-free conditioners can help make a significant difference. How so? Well, for one, no alcohol, and two, they’re paraben-free.
Paraben-rich conditioners and shampoos have been known to be associated with cancer. When you use them for a while, you’re risking your health. Furthermore, you’re also making your hair vulnerable to permanent damage.
Paraben penetrates the roots of your hair, damaging the hair follicle in the process. The result is appalling: hair fall, irritated scalp, dandruff and itchiness, and worst of all, thin hair!
Have you ever noticed that afterward, when you wash your hair, there is hair fall? It’s the effects of chemical-rich conditioners!
Natural conditioners contain certain nutrients that your scalp needs in order to help keep your hair healthy and balanced. You want to make sure that your hair gets the nutrients it needs to shine and stay healthy.
In addition, it’s important to make sure you buy organic hair oils so that your hair gets the nourishment it needs. Pair it up with a natural shampoo and you’ve got a solid hair care regime!
Allurials offers fragrance-free conditioners for sale, as well as natural hair care products to protect your hair from damage!